Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Watching movies with Vudu


A rather interesting device appeared on the market - Vudu, with the help of which you can watch almost any movies in Full HD resolution and magnificent 5.1 sound, without using any disks or satellite dish ..., you just need a broadband Internet connection (I agree reality is fantastic)! Anyway, by purchasing Vudu, you get the opportunity to watch more than 5,000 fully licensed films. More inside news.

The device works quite simply - you choose the movie you like, then it is loaded onto the built-in hard disk, which, by the way, can simultaneously hold up to 100 hours of video in 1080p resolution, and as soon as it fully downloads, the fitness label will appear. Vudu costs $ 400, plus the cost of the film.

According to the materials

The article is based on materials
