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The neural network has completed the sixth volume of "The Song of Ice and Flame" for George Martin

A series of epic fantasy novels "The Song of Ice and Fire", started by the American writer George Martin in 1991, formed the basis for the scenario of the most popular television series "The Game of Thrones" these days. Millions of viewers from dozens of countries watch the fates of the protagonists with a sinking heart. But even those who read the source before viewing, do not know what will happen to the characters further. After all, the last book of the series was published already in 2011, and the sixth volume, entitled "The Wind of Winter" will be released no earlier than 2018. Programmer Zack Tutt was tired of waiting for a leisurely writer, so he created a neural network that independently wrote five chapters of a new volume of "The Song of Ice and Flame" for George Martin.

According to Martin, the sixth book should tell the readers about the events from the point of view of such characters as Sansa and Arya Stark, Arianna Mortell, Eyeron Greyjoy, Theon Greiggio, Victarion Greyjoy, Tirion Lannister and Barristan Selmi. The LSTM-neural network, written by Zach Tutt, carefully studied the previous five volumes, which included 5376 pages of text. Each chapter of the new book begins with the name of the character that the programmer asked, and otherwise the neural network did not limit itself in anything. All five chapters written by her, anyone can read on the portal GitHub .

Zak himself told journalists that he really wanted to preserve the style of the narrative peculiar to George Martin - from the third person in terms of one of the characters. To date, the neural network is young enough and inexperienced, so sometimes it allows spelling mistakes and sometimes chooses not the most successful phrases. But, despite this, based on previous books, she made some very unexpected predictions. It's not that straight spoilers, because all this is just a guess of the machine, but just in case you do not want to read further, or you never know. SPOILERS !!! For example, that Jamie Lannister will kill her sister Cersei, John Snow will saddle the dragon, and adviser Varis will kill Deeneris Targarien. All these theories have been repeatedly discussed by the community of fans of books and TV series, but none of them have any evidence. Let's see if the machine was able to predict the further development of events in this story.

The article is based on materials
