Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Samung Galaxy Player. Coming soon

Samsung has recently announced another new product in the Galaxy lineup. A new Samsung Galaxy Player will appear in Korean retail later this month. The novelty will work on the Android 2.2 platform and is available for pre-order from February 4.

It looks like Samsung is going to impose competition on Apple not only with iphone 5, but also with its iPod Touch. The player has a 1GHz processor and a 4 inch Super LCD display. Also available - 3.2 megapixel camera in the back and one in front for video chat. There is support for Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. The player works with microSD cards and has a 1200mAh battery.

Will the new player be able to make a worthy company for the Galaxy S and the iPod Touch competition? We'll see. Nevertheless, data on the start of sales in Europe and America yet.

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