Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Robopes Wappy Dog by Sega

For those who do not have enough dog toys in the market, Sega has announced another member of the Wappy Dog family of pets, which should be on the market this year.

Roppy-psinka Wappy can make a company to anyone who has nobody to play with or who is just bored. The main difference between Wappy Dog and similar type of toys is the ability to synchronize the robot with the Nintendo DS portable console and games that come with the robot. You can even create a virtual copy of the robot and settle it in the NDS console (like tamagotchi).
The robot can be personalized by giving it a name. He can even grow (not in size of course) to an adult dog.

Unfortunately, the price of an interesting toy has not yet been announced. But the novelty should appear on store shelves this fall.


The article is based on materials
