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Do not miss the bus!

The search giant Yahoo has found a way to entertain people at ... bus stops. The company has installed large touchscreens at 20 bus stops in San Francisco. What for? Well, of course for a game between people from neighboring bus stops!

Yahoo people decided that waiting for a bus was one of the most boring daily routines. And I decided to install game screens at bus stops. Naturally, do not forget about advertising. Of course, people will not be offered to play the same Call of Duty or the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever. Simple puzzles, and simple games. But after all the idea, what idea! Glavanoy now do not play too long and do not miss the bus and do not overlook their belongings, which, perhaps, have already begun to put in the trunk of the Renault Kangoo.

In truth, the idea does not belong to one hundred percent of Yahoo alone. For entertainment at the bus station, efforts were made by the Municipal Transport Bureau of the city, the advertising company Clear Channel and, in fact, Yahoo.

Brilliant project. Do not miss only your bus, playing.

Especially for

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