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Jay Wilson admitted that the gaming auction spoiled Diablo 3

Аукцион в Diablo 3

In May last year, Blizzard presented the continuation of the cult game Diablo , which was developed for about ten years and was supposed to be a real breakthrough for a huge army of fans of the hack'n-slash genre. But along with the release of Diablo 3, players found a very controversial point: an auction in which you could buy and sell anything you like for real money and play money. And now, almost a year later, Jay Wilson, the former chief game designer of the project, admitted that the auction had seriously damaged the game.

From the author: I myself have been a fan of the Diablo series since my early childhood and I have been looking forward to the release of the third part. But contrary to my expectations, Diablo 3, in the first place because of the auction, which pulled a lot of other game changes, "did not shoot." It became a game for a single pass.

This is due to the fact that the auction killed the interest in knocking out valuable things - the element on which the entire glory of Diablo II was built. Many simply invested large amounts of euros, others began to collect gold and buy at its expense the best artifacts at auction. But why this race, even if the PVP element in the game is absent, and she, ideally, boils down to a pleasant "pretentious moraine"? If you were three times in "green" and have the best weapons, all that awaits you is an even faster passing of the stages that have already been completed.

According to Ubergizmo, during a report at GDC 2013, Wilson admitted that Blizzard had no idea how the auction would work. Initially, the developers believed that this would be one of the ways to combat fraud (the black market) and that only a small percentage of players would use it. In addition, the prices of things will be regulated over. But what Wilson and Blizzard didn't expect was that the auction would be the only and most interesting means of spending time in the game, and the whole game would be reduced to making money while the original evil tyrannized the world of Sanctuary.

Wilson says that if they could, they would have turned off the auction, but alas, Blizzard cannot determine how many players share its function, and how many hate it. That is, an elementary shutdown of the auction will seriously affect the player base. Wilson also reports that the Diablo 3 team is working on a new solution, but does not disclose details.

If you played Diablo 3, share your opinion on the auction. Has he become a welcome addition to the game, or just killed her?

The article is based on materials
