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# video | As part of the Ice Bucket Challenge campaign, the chemist doused himself with liquid nitrogen.

В рамках кампании Ice Bucket Challenge химик облил себя жидким азотом

No matter what anyone says, a viral campaign aimed at supporting patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is spreading at the incredible speed on the Web. Some campaigners even commit small follies to impress the viewers.

Among these people was Mo Qureshi, a chemist from the University of Toronto, who decided to hit everyone, not pouring water with ice cubes on his head, but a bucket of real liquid nitrogen. We remind you that the temperature of this substance is equal to minus 196 degrees Celsius. Do I have to say that at home and without special training, repeating such a trick is life threatening?

Unfortunately, the author of the original video, due to the huge influx of viewers, decided to close his YouTube channel, so the video can now be viewed only on one British news site. We cannot insert a video into the material, since it uses its own player. Here is the link to the video page:

As a result of the dangerous stunt, Mo did not suffer, but the Leidenfrost effect helped him when the huge difference in temperature between liquid nitrogen and the chemist's body created a protective layer of evaporation around the scientist, protecting him from direct contact with nitrogen and frostbite. You could already see the famous experiment of lowering hands into liquid nitrogen, based on the same effect, but if you have not seen it, you can watch the video a little lower.

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