Playstation 3 final release date announced.

In the Library of Congress discovered the unreleased game about Duke Nyukema

В Библиотеке Конгресса обнаружили не вышедшую игру про Дюка Нюкема

In the Library of Congress, located in the US capital Washington, in addition to especially valuable books, documents, maps and handwritten materials, various works of art are also kept, be it music, films or even selected video games. What a surprise the library staff was when they accidentally discovered a game in their archives that never hit the shelves.

The Archives of the Library of Congress is replenished with about four hundred new video games per year. Given that the library receives not only games, but also thousands of other valuable documents and various information carriers, it is not surprising that employees sometimes do not even have time to track down and make a registration census of all new products.

The unpublished game was discovered by library employee David Gibson, who is a big fan of the Duke Nukem series. After seeing a paper envelope with the words Duke Nukem: Critical Mass (PSP), David noted to himself that this game on the Sony PlayStation Portable pocket console never came out. It went on sale for another Nintendo DS console in the form of a rather raw product, to which a wave of criticism fell from players and journalists. Apparently, after this, the version of the game for PSP developers simply canceled.

В Библиотеке Конгресса обнаружили не вышедшую игру про Дюка Нюкема

It should be noted that the versions for the two consoles were very different from each other, so that the PSP-game, perhaps, would have gained popularity among fans of Duke Nyukema. The developers of Apogee showed this game to the public only once in 2009 at the GDC conference, after which nothing more was heard about it.

David Gibson carefully examined the contents of the disc he found, found the source code of the project, files with gaming music, and even managed to find in the resources a three-dimensional model of the main character with a jetpack on his back.

It should be noted that the series of games Duke Nukem for many years pursuing a series of failures. Recall at least the long-suffering project Duke Nukem Forever, which was developed for more than 12 years by various development teams, but in the end the game could not justify the hopes placed on it by the fans.

What will happen to the detected game for the PSP is difficult to say now. Considering how big the army of fans of the legendary character is, we can assume that there will definitely be volunteers who will try to compile the program code and release the game for the fans of the series in one form or another.

The article is based on materials
