Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Zuckerberg lifted the veil of secrecy over the integration of Oculus Rift in Facebook

Цукерберг приподнял завесу тайны над интеграцией Oculus Rift в Facebook

After the acquisition of Facebook by Oculus VR, many began to break their heads: how exactly can you combine virtual reality and social networks? Various versions have been put forward, ranging from intrusive virtual advertising, to virtual sex. It seems that Mark Zuckerberg decided to dispel some of the fears of the masses and spoke to the press with a small presentation on the future of Facebook.

As it turned out, the first step in introducing Oculus Rift into the Facebook ecosystem will be panoramic videos with a full 360-degree viewing angle. Mark showed a slide to journalists present at the press conference, which showed a logical scheme for the evolution of transmitting impressions to a person through a social network. The first on the list are text impressions, then photos, videos and, finally, virtual and augmented reality. According to Mark, they are the ones who can best convey emotions from visiting different parts of the Earth, if you are sitting at home and for any reason you cannot go there personally.

Zuckerberg considers the integration of virtual reality into a News Feed column as the second important step, when some users will be able to see what other users have seen using the Oculus Rift headset. People will be able to add panoramic videos directly to their wall on Facebook, and anyone with a headset and the appropriate software can transfer to the place where the video was recorded.

Be that as it may, no one can promise that fears about introducing intrusive 3D advertising in such videos once will not become a harsh reality. But Zuckerberg slyly said nothing about this. As they say, wait and see. After all, so far even the Oculus Rift headset itself has not acquired the date of the official release, what can we say about some social networks.

The article is based on materials
