Playstation 3 final release date announced.

# video | "Time of the first" - a film about the first man in space

 «Время первых» - фильм о первом выходе человека в открытый космос

Fifty years ago, on March 18, 1965, the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was the first to go out into space from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft. Suddenly, the difficulties encountered put the success of the entire mission at risk. Due to the difference in pressure, the astronaut's spacesuit swelled, which greatly hampered his return to the ship. The total time spent in outer space was 12 minutes, 9 seconds. It is about this feat of the Soviet man that the “Time of the First” film will tell the audience.

The film is produced by Timur Bekmambetov, Evgeny Mironov and Sergey Ageev. You can be sure that Bekmambetov Studio will provide a picture of high-quality computer graphics for accurate and spectacular image of the cosmos. This is not the first Russian film about the conquest of space. Let us remind you that in 2013, the film “Gagarin: First in Space”, telling about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, came out on the screens.

The film in 3D format will be released on large screens in the fall of 2016.

The article is based on materials
