Playstation 3 final release date announced.

The new clip of the singer Bjork will be shot for the headset Oculus Rift

Новый клип певицы Bjork будет снят для гарнитуры Oculus Rift

Icelandic singer Björk Gvudmündsduttir has always been famous for her unusual approach to creativity. Besides the fact that she is the owner of a huge number of awards and winner of countless awards, her unusual music and voice, which is difficult to compare, made her famous, of course. Björk has created her own eclectic musical style that blends many genres, including jazz, dance music, electronics and avant-garde. At the same time, the performer does not forget about the new technologies, regularly using them in her work.

Speaking of Bjork and technology, for some reason I immediately recall the magical and sensual video for the song “All is full of Love”, made for the singer by video maker Chris Cunningham, who at one time became famous for the creepy video for insane British electronic engineer Aphex Twin. I suggest you remember this wonderful video with us:

In addition to using advanced technologies to create music videos, Bjork does not disdain the now popular mobile gadgets for music distribution. Her 2011 album Biophilia was released as a mobile application, which greatly surprised many of her fans. In addition to music, the application also offered the user an interactive component that helped people to feel the sound series even better.

Entering the era of virtual reality is a new step in the singer's career. Amazingly, the Oculus Rift headset is still under development and its official release date is unknown. But, be that as it may, by the time the headset starts selling, its users will have a sufficient amount of content from which it will be possible to choose something to your taste. Remember at least the new animation studio Oculus Story Studio, which we wrote about not so long ago.

The honor of leaving in the format of virtual reality was awarded a video for the song "Stonemilker". Bjork herself considers virtual reality to be a more intimate environment than our real everyday life. She also really likes the opportunity in virtual reality to look at the widest panorama. Apparently, it is on the panoramic shots taken in Iceland that this music video will be based.

“I always record new albums, taking into account that some content can later be associated with certain technologies. Music will not work with any gadget just for the sake of this gadget. If we talk about mobile applications, then for us it was a sort of inexpensive and fun punk approach to business. But in the case of the Oculus Rift, everything is completely different, and we are talking about a budget of a completely different scale, ”the performer explained in an interview.

The first to get acquainted with the new Bjork clip will be visitors to the Museum of Modern Art, which organizes an exhibition dedicated to the singer's career. The exhibition will begin to receive visitors on March 8 in New York.

The article is based on materials
