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The Star Wars franchise is gradually mastering the virtual reality

Франшиза Star Wars постепенно осваивает виртуальную реальность

After the Disney corporation acquired the rights to the cult franchise of George Lucas, in the walls of numerous studios the work on new films, video games and even very risky experimental projects based on the "Star Wars" is in full swing. We know for sure that we are waiting for a separate picture about the uneasy life of the rebels Rogue One, as well as the adaptation of the adventures of young Han Solo and even a completely new video game from EA with him in the title role. But here the news about Star Wars in the virtual reality of many caught off guard.

Even last fall at the exhibition "Igromir 2015" the guests of the event could find themselves inside the famous bar for smugglers from the fourth episode of the cult cosmic saga using the Oculus Rift headset. It was quite an interesting experience, however, it was impossible to play "into this" for the almost complete lack of gameplay. But time is running ahead, and now we are already witnessing timid attempts by developers to shift the history of Star Wars characters to completely new technologies. However, the language does not turn to call these attempts unsuccessful.

Франшиза Star Wars постепенно осваивает виртуальную реальность

On July 18, Steam became available for free downloading the game Trials on Tatooine , which tells a short fragment from the life of many Star Wars characters. This unique gaming experience can be tested only by the owners of powerful computers and a very expensive VR-headset HTC Vive. But the fact remains that gaming journalists agree that virtual reality can really hide the future of the gaming industry. Now let's talk briefly about what awaits you in Trials on Tatooine.

It all begins with a brief briefing with the main character. Han Solo explains to him that, as soon as possible, you need to repair the Millennium Falcon and leave Tatooine, otherwise the attack aircraft on their TIE Fighter class fighters will equal the pride of Solo to the planet's surface. Only after this protracted entry the player finally gets into his hands a real light sword from the well-known to us all the droid R2-D2. And now at this very moment many fans of the saga can have a real "gikovsky orgasm". After all, who among us did not dream of holding this legendary weapon and with the characteristic sounds of "vzhzhzh-vzhzhzhzhzh" reflect the shots of enemy blasters?

Франшиза Star Wars постепенно осваивает виртуальную реальность

The studio, which deals with all these experiments, is called ILMxLAB and is part of Lucasfilm. Earlier works of her specialists were noticed in the field of augmented reality (AR). Remember at least an unusual demo of "The Lost Droids" for Magic Leap. You can see the video below.

But the most interesting news is that after all these experiments there will be a VR game about the coolest villain of all time - Darth Vader! It was announced at one of the conferences devoted to the Star Wars saga. Viewers even showed a small teaser of the future game, the script for which was written by David Goyer, famous for his such works as "Batman: The Beginning" and "The Man of Steel." Well, it will be very curious to see what the magicians from ILMxLAB have in fact prepared for us. And it looks like it's time to start saving money for the VR-headset.

The article is based on materials
