Playstation 3 final release date announced.

The drone for selfie is an "intelligent" replacement for sticks


Self-stick has long been an indispensable device for many modern photography enthusiasts, without it it is difficult to imagine any photo session of both amateurs and professionals. Since such devices have become part of our everyday life, they are constantly evolving, acquiring increasingly bizarre forms and constantly acquiring new functions.

Now in shops specializing in photographic equipment, you can find both simple models equipped with a pair of buttons, connectors and hinges, as well as more sophisticated devices that meet the most sophisticated requirements of modern youth - recently, for example, a patented self-stick with built-in fan, allowing the owner make photos with beautifully fluttering hair. The principle of operation is simple: the propeller installed on the self-propeller inflates the hair of the person being photographed.


All this is very interesting, but many will agree that there is nothing revolutionary in such "know-how" and can not be. A stick is a stick. But the Australian inventor Simon Kantor took and invented an alternative to the self-stick, creating the world's first self-Drone compatible with Android and iOS!

Dimensions of the drone are small - it is not more than a half-liter glass, it can fly at a speed of 25 km / h, can fly away from the owner at a distance of up to 25 meters and keeps in the air for up to 25 minutes, is equipped with a GPS module and is specially trained to fly around obstacles. Moreover, the device flies to the owner without any control, which means that it can do a lot of different shots. The price of a handsome man is 400 US dollars. Do you like to be photographed? Please !!

The article is based on materials
