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Star Trek fan equipped the house with a cinema in the style of the ship Enterprise


How much money do you usually spend on arranging your home theater? 1000 dollars, maybe 5000? How about a half million American bucks? Yes, that's how much one Star Trek fan hooked into his home cinema hall. Now part of his house, dedicated to watching movies, looks exactly like the space star of Enterprise D from Star Trek: The Next Generation!

Financier from Florida Mark Bell - a fan of Star Trek with many years of experience and, apparently, he is sufficiently secured to afford such a waste. Mark's cinema is not just finished with a spaceship from the "Star Trek", it is also furnished with various collectibles of this universe. The owner of an unusual movie theater admits that he spent only about $ 500,000 on audio and video equipment, but the remaining one million went to beautifully furnish everything. In his collection there is even a Vulcan ear, which was worn during the filming of the actor Leonard Nimoy, who played in the original series of Vulcan Spock.

Most of the items of his collection, Mark exhibited in a special room, which he gladly demonstrates to all visitors to his cinema. The room is also not simple - it is an exact copy of the office of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

For the creation of the cinema Mark Bell spent four years, and, according to The Wall Street Journal, almost the entire entourage was created manually or to order. The armchairs are equipped with a D-BOX system, so when watching a movie, a full immersion in the atmosphere is provided to the viewer.

Mark's audio system is in the process of updating, the owner plans to soon finalize everything and seeks a new standard for Dolby Atmos. Its peculiarity is that the tracks are not taken down by the sound engineers at the studio, but by the processor, which is at home with the owner of such a system. Specialists only specify the program, based on the specifics of a particular installation, and the equipment already does the rest.

In the collection of Mark there are about three thousand films that lie on his home server, and he also subscribed to PRIMA Cinema for only $ 35,000, so he can now watch the news of the film distribution right at home. Indeed, why spend money on a trip to the cinema, if at home watching movies hundreds of times better and more convenient?

While the children of Mark have not grown up, you have to be satisfied with what you have. But when they finish school, Mark plans to move on. Now, according to him, the home theater is designed for only 11 people, but that's for now. The next one will be more. Yes, and 4K-projector to buy, too, does not hurt.

The article is based on materials
