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Raccoon and Groot appeared on the emblem of the NASA space mission

Енот Рокет и Грут появились эмблеме космической миссии агентства NASA

Apparently, the American agency NASA has real geeks. This fact was confirmed by the fact that two very curious characters appeared on the new emblem of the missions to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. They were the raccoon Rocket and Groot from the comics "The Guardians of the Galaxy." In our country, these characters became popular due to the film of the same name in 2014, in which Roqueta was voiced by actor Bradley Cooper, and Grout - Vin Diesel.

For the first time the representatives of the Center for the Development of Science in Space (CASIS) spoke of the new emblem last Friday. And for the first time it was shown to the public at the Comic-Con exhibition in San Diego, and it was presented to journalists by none other than the director James Gan, who made the first film about the adventures of Groote and the Jet raccoon (at the moment they are filming the sequel). This emblem will accompany cargoes sent from Earth to the national laboratory of the ISS.

The emblem was designed by the artist Juan Do, who for many years designed the comic book covers of the publisher Marvel. Representatives of NASA hope that such an approach to the design of space missions will draw additional attention to them to the public. For Marvel and for the sequel to the original film "The Guardians of the Galaxy", this action will be an excellent advertising campaign. Some employees of the world's largest comic book publishers even joke that if they are very lucky, then under the influence of cosmic radiation, Enot and his laconic friend can come to life and return in this form to Earth.

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