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Employee Nvidia taught the neural network to drive cats


Cats are very cute, but sometimes they even bend the stick. Everyone knows that these animals can get used to go to the lawn, foul there, and then dig in all this, spoiling the beautiful green lawns. And if they meet there with other cats at night and start yelling, then at all, even the saints take it out! Apparently, Robert Bond, a specialist at Nvidia, faced a similar problem, and decided to definitively deal with these glorious mustachioed and striped predators. In order to give unbidden guests a worthy rebuff, the engineer developed a whole security system, thanks to which he learned to program the neural networks, and at the same time got rid of the annoying scoundrels.

"I wanted cats to walk anywhere, but not in my yard. I also planned to study neural networks better, and at the same time have fun, so I decided to create a system that will automatically drive cats with the help of artificial intelligence, "Bond said.

The system works as follows: the surveillance camera detects changes in the environment, takes a few pictures, which then goes via FTP to the computer. This is where the neural network enters, and determines whether there is a cat in the photo. Seeing the cat in the pictures, it sends a signal to the computer, which includes a watering system.

To teach the system to recognize cats is not so easy as it may seem, because even after the neural network studied a lot of photos with cats, she recognized only about 30% of shaggy "visitors". The fact is that there are a lot of nice photos on the Internet with seals, but many of them cats are in unnatural poses, in which the animals are photographed by their owners, to then collect more likes and poumylatsya in the company of friends.

In order for the system to recognize all uninvited guests, Bond had to do a bunch of pictures of cats in their natural habitat. Now, when his neural network knows the enemy in person, Robert's problems have diminished - almost all tailed lovers play at night, they leave their backyard bathed, angry and dissatisfied. Does the anti-kokot defense system photos of already "shelled" troublemakers, is not specified.

Based on the materials of the newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta

The article is based on materials
