Playstation 3 final release date announced.

# video of the day | Amazing 3D sculptures that come to life right before your eyes

We have repeatedly told you that many artists have adapted to use 3D printers to create their masterpieces. And indeed, 3D printing and contemporary art go hand in hand, complementing each other. Take at least the artist John Edmark, who designs plastic 3D sculptures. At first glance, they stand out against the background of millions of works by other sculptors, but you just have to put these works on a rotating disc and spin it to a certain speed, as the forms literally come to life in front of you.

The secret of "living sculptures" is to use the technique of stroboscoping, when they are illuminated from the side by a special lamp that turns on and off with a strictly set frequency. The human eye does not notice these flickers, but we see a realistic animation, which our brain builds from the images of the rotating object that it receives. The speed of rotation and flicker of the lamp are synchronized with each other, so the animation is almost perfect. The lamp turns on every time the figure turns by the value of the so-called golden section (φ), that is, 137.5 degrees. Agree, a very fascinating sight, from which it is very difficult to break away?

The article is based on materials
