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# video | All films that received an Oscar for special effects

On February 26, the 89th Oscar Awards Ceremony, organized by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, will be held. In addition to such nominations as "Best Film" or "Best Director", here every year they choose the best film in terms of visual effects. And visual effects from year to year become more and more impressive and have already reached the stage of development when the generated image on the computer is almost impossible to distinguish from reality. Let's remember all the winners in this nomination, starting from 1927 to our days.

The first winner of the "Oscar" for visual effects was the film "Wings". Then the nomination was also called "Engineering Effects", and it went to the engineer-film technician Roy Pomeroy, who embodied on the screen amazing combined scenes of air battles. One can note the fact that at one time the Oscars for special effects were all three films of the original trilogy "Star Wars" by George Lucas, as well as the entire trilogy "The Lord of the Rings." James Cameron was also very lucky in this nomination, and his films regularly received statuettes for their contribution to the development of film technology. Judge for yourself, "Oscar" won his films "Strangers", "Abyss", "Terminator-2", "Titanic" and "Avatar." Apart from myself, I would like to highlight an incredibly beautiful film "Where Dreams Lead", which even to this day impresses with the work of artists.

This year, for the "Oscar" in the nomination "Best Visual Effects" will fight the following films: "Deepwater Horizon", "Doctor Strange", "The Book of the Jungle", "Kubo. The Legend of the Samurai ", as well as" Izgoy-one. Star Wars: Stories. " It's amazing to see a doll cartoon among feature films, this is generally the case in the history of the Oscar for the first time, but in this case, every shot is shot on a regular camera, and each character is created by talented puppeteers, so, probably, the members of the American Film Academy decided to equate it with a full cinema.

The article is based on materials
