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Reliefband - a bracelet that reduces the effect of motion sickness in virtual reality

Virtual reality is, of course, wonderful, but this technology has one very unpleasant effect. It's about rocking, when the human brain is lost, not understanding what is really happening. It seems like a person sitting motionless in the armchair, but his eyes at the same time see that he is going somewhere. The brain begins to panic, suggesting that the body was poisoned by something, from which a simple physiological reaction follows - a strong nausea in an attempt to get rid of the poisonous effects. The Reliefband bracelet can suppress this very nausea so that you can fully enjoy the virtual reality world.

Virtual reality affects everyone in different ways. Someone crouchs instantly, and someone's vestibular apparatus reacts to such entertainment is not so active. Experts agree in one thing: one should get used to VR gradually, not trying to spend several hours in virtual worlds on the first day. You should start from the session in 20 minutes. The next day you can increase the playing time to 30 minutes and so on. So in a week you can train your body to new unusual sensations and reduce the unpleasant effects that arise in the process. I personally tried this scheme on myself and I can say with all responsibility that it really works. In about a week, I increased the duration of VR sessions to a couple of hours and did not feel any discomfort.

But there are other ways to increase the comfort of using VR-headsets. For example, an amazing Reliefband bracelet. In order for the gadget to work, it must be put on the inside of your wrist, first applying a thin layer of conductive gel to it. After turning on the device begins to apply weak electrical impulses to your body. In this case, you can adjust how strong these signals will be, depending on how much you are swayed inside the virtual reality. Impulses through the median nerve reach the center in the brain responsible for nausea, regulating its exchange of data with the stomach and reducing discomfort. Initially, the gadget was developed not only for VR, but also for those people who are rocked during sea voyages or even trips in transport. However, paired with VR-headsets, it works just fine.

If you believe the lucky ones who have already tried out the gadget on their own, the motion sickness effect really decreases by 70-90% compared to the sensations when the VR headset is used separately from it. Particularly useful device in those games where you need to move in three-dimensional space on your own two. Developers have long been trying to defeat motion sickness in their projects, but so far they have not been particularly successful. Of course, such a bracelet is not the only true solution to the problem, but to date, perhaps, nothing is more effective until they come up. To date, Reliefband is worth $ 95 , and in the second quarter of 2017 an updated model should appear in a new thin case, but it will cost 150 dollars.

The article is based on materials
