Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Freedom Class Giant Drone Racing - NASCAR for drones

Racing drones - an interesting activity, in its own way fascinating, but not too spectacular. Usually, drones are small and fast, so it's rather difficult for a spectator to follow them. Such competitions do not attract a mass audience, therefore the Australian enthusiast Chris Ballard, who founded the startup Freedom Class Giant Drone Racing , decided to change the situation, presenting to fans of races on drones his version of an unmanned aerial vehicle, Digital Trends . The device differs from the familiar to all small and nimble quadrocopters in overall dimensions and power, weighs nearly 30 kilograms and can fly at speeds up to 160 kilometers per hour.

The length of the car is 120 centimeters, and she very loudly and effectively buzzes, just like the racing car "Formula 1". The developers believe that if the drones are made sufficiently large, fast and noticeable, then it is possible to attract more people to the races of such vehicles, taking the competition to a fundamentally new level.

In order to control the drones, you do not need to have credentials and be special. All that is needed is skill and a little practice, therefore, according to Ballard, anyone can participate in the competition.

Nevertheless, the safety in Freedom Class Giant Drone Racing is also reflected, therefore, before setting the serial production of large and heavy drones, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail, because even a small toy quadrocopter can harm the viewer, and the development of Ballard is hundreds of times more powerful conventional apparatus.

Once everything is settled, the developers of the giant drones are going to arrange a competition. According to preliminary calculations, the event can be held already this year.

The article is based on materials
