Playstation 3 final release date announced.

Spinbox - built-in player for a hundred bucks

Vinyl records are gaining popularity again, and in the world there are more and more people who prefer analogue sound. It has already reached the point that the records made last year were ahead of CDs by almost a million copies. Due to the increased demand for vinyl, many companies began to produce record players again, but new companies appeared that only recently became interested in the promising market. Startup Spinbox is just one of the latest. The uniqueness of their proposal is that for only $ 90, anyone can not only buy a fashionable vinyl turntable, but also collect it on their own.

A fashionable gadget can hardly pretend to be an honorable place in the audiophile's living room, but for sure it will appeal to beginners and geeks who love to collect everything with their own hands. The do-it-yourself kit is supplied in a cardboard box, which is also used in the design - it is the player's case. The assembly process will take about 20 minutes.

Buyers will be able to choose the players of four different colors, which, according to the developers, compact Spinbox will fit into any interior. This will contribute and dimensions - the area of ​​the shell slightly exceeds a sheet of paper format A4. Itself "vertak" can play vinyl at 7, 10 and 12 inches at a speed of 33, 45 or 78 revolutions and is equipped with headphone or speaker connectors.

Despite the fact that until the end of the campaign to raise funds from developers there are as many as eleven days, their development has collected more than 200 thousand dollars instead of the required 30.

The article is based on materials
