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Disney's neural network determines the reaction of viewers to films

The film industry personifies not only art and business, but also is inextricably linked with science and technological progress. The viewer, of course, for the most part does not want to go into the technical details of creating favorite pictures and serials, but the specialists of film studios like these questions constantly. High technology, among other things, allows us to understand how much a particular film has come to the taste of the audience. Disney, for example, has created a neural network for these purposes.

Disney wants to determine the reaction of the viewer as accurately as possible to her art and animation films, so she brought to work on the creation of a neural network of specialists from the California Institute of Technology and her Disney Research unit. The resulting system was presented at the Behavior Pattern Recognition Conference, which took place recently in Hawaii. The methodology for identifying emotional reactions based on the expressions of the spectators' faces was demonstrated by the example of the visitors of the cinema. The system in real time determined the emotional state of each individual viewer and entered the results into the database.

To train the neural network, researchers had to watch the crowded cinemas, which featured hundreds of art and animation films from the Disney studios. Each viewer gets into the high-resolution camera lens with the built-in night-shooting mode (today they are used in many cinemas to detect pirates or any other violations of the institution's regulations in time). The neural network studied about 16 million facial expressions to learn to distinguish one from the other.

Based on the results of the training, the system needs about 10 minutes to warm up and get used to new viewers and their facial expressions, after which it accurately assesses and documents the reaction of the audience to the film. In this case, the system not only can determine the current emotional state of the viewer, but also is able to anticipate his subsequent emotions, including, for example, laughter or just a smile. For the present, Disney is not completely sure how to use the technology. But it is possible that in the future it will find a worthy use in the film industry. While you can see the results of the research on the official website Disney Research .

The article is based on materials
