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AI algorithm beat one of the best players in the world in Dota 2

Chess and go were just flowers. Now the computer has defeated a person in the most popular discipline among young people - in Dota 2. Yes, not just anybody, but one of the best professional players in the world, Ukrainian Daniel "Dendi" Ishtin. On the stage of the tournament, The International, the flagship annual event of Valve with a prize fund of $ 24 million, collecting only the best teams in the world on the game in Dota 2, the AI ​​algorithm of OpenAI showed who is actually the "best midsider in the world".

Recall that OpenAI is a non-profit organization with a registered capital of 1 billion dollars, engaged in research of artificial intelligence and headed by Tesla Motors and SpaceX executive director Ilon Mask among others.

In the first match of the game 1 on 1 bot took about 10 minutes to break the "Dendi". In the second game, the professional cybersportsman lost even faster. The third match refused to play.

You can see the game below.

"Please, enough to humiliate me," - at one point said Ishtin, who earned more than $ 735,000 in prize money for his professional career.

After the match Daniel commented:

"Actually, to be honest, sad. I came to International one-on-one and lost to the bot. It's sad. "

According to "Dendi", you can defeat the algorithm, but you need to play very carefully for this.

"I think it's real. Just need to play very clean. You need to know what to do, because one by one is different from 5 x 5 very much in all respects. "

Ilon Mask did not fail to tell about the achievement of OpenAI through his page in "Twitter", noting that the bot "was the first to be able to defeat the best professional cyber sportsmen in the world".

In the video below, OpenAI technical director Greg Brockman explains that the company bot has played more matches than any drone professional player in Dota 2, having played "one thousand lives" against himself under the strict guidance of the company. Brockman also noted that the bot had already defeated several professional players of Dota 2 before.

"Over the past week, our bot has won against many of the best players, including SumaiL'a (the best pro-player in the world in 1-for-1 format) and Arteezy (the best among all Dota 2 players)," Brockman wrote in his blog.

The "game-to-yourself" feature was the key to the superiority of the OpenAI bot, Brockman told Business Insider shortly after the last match. This is a very convenient way to train the bot even more complex and complex tasks. He will not learn anything if he plays against a weaker or much stronger opponent. But playing with himself, he always stands against a worthy opponent, Brockman said.

"You become a witness of how AI gradually comes to winning tactics."

This is not the first time that companies engaged in the development of artificial intelligence, sharpen the skills of their proteges with video games. The same AI DeepMind of Google has succeeded in popular strategy StarCraft 2, and the team Microsoft AI has achieved very high results in Ms. Pac-Man. Nevertheless, OpenAI is not going to stop there. The organization hopes that it will be able to prepare its bot for playing in the more popular Dota 2 format, where teams 5 to 5 fight.

"We have not finished with Dota," Brokman told Business Insider.

He also noted that OpenAI will improve the bot in other games. The principle of "playing with yourself" can be applied in almost any discipline. It will be very interesting to observe how the same bot can be trained, being in different conditions.

"We do our work not just to publish another report or article. We are doing this to create a real working system capable of doing what was not possible before that. "

The article is based on materials
