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Electric Faraday Future will compete with Tesla in the race Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak International Hill Climb is an annual competition, the participants of which compete in the high-speed uphill. Last year's race was a landmark for the Tesla Model S, which set a record among the cars of its class, reaching the finish line in 11 minutes 48 seconds. This year, the record holder will compete with the Faraday Future FF 91.

Mount Pikes Peak is located in the state of Colorado (USA), its height is about 4 thousand meters. Cars with internal combustion engines experience certain difficulties when climbing to the top, but electric vehicles do not have such a problem, so cars equipped with electric motors often take part in this competition.

Faraday Future FF 91 first appeared in public in January 2017. The developers of the car said that this all-wheel-drive crossover is equipped with a powerful electric motor for 1,050 horsepower, accelerates up to one hundred kilometers per hour in two seconds and can travel about 700 kilometers without recharging. Nevertheless, the car is still in development. Serial production is going to be established only in 2018, so the car on the race is obviously worth waiting for surprises, because Tesla Model S is a serial car that has been tested and tested for a long time, which can not be said about FF 91.

The race will be held in July 2017.

The article is based on materials
